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  • Net: 5g
  • Watermelon Scent


  • Best selling remover for eyelash extensions
  • Lash removal is designed to remove eyelash extensions safely and easily
  • The creamy texture keeps the remover out of the client's eyes
  • Once applied, stays on the extension and does not leak into the eyes
  • The bright color helps to perfectly clean the remover as it's easy to see
  • Perfect product for those clients who have sensitive eyes or allergies
  • Long-lasting - all you need is a small dab each time!


  • Using a micro brush, apply a thin layer on the extension.
  • Leave for 1-1.5mins and remove gently with cleansing brushes.
  • Ensure all remover and traces of adhesive are fully removed before cleansing lashes with cleanser and primer.


Peace Out Remover


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